Effective March 1st, 2019, attempts of registering Declarations
of Conformity for Class I medical devices will, by mandate ,
require applicants to receive auto -generated unique
application numbers in advance for use with subsequent
physical deliveries thereof in original plus Turkish translation
copies bearing notary attestation alongside original copies
bearing an Apostille stamp.
Since Class I devices fall in the low -risk category by
contents in their composition , they constitute the only class
for which EC certification is not sought . Declarations of
Conformity submitted for Class I products , however, MUST
incorporate references to Annex VII of the Directive 93/42/
The PTS does not provide a specific expiry date field for
Declarations of Conformity . However , if any DoC issue is
subject to a date of expiry or has a terminal date of validity,
this has to be specified in the respective field in the PTS
titled expiry date.